skin infection

How Mobildri Ensure Kid’s Protection Against Bacterial Skin Infection?

by | Mar 14, 2023

Children are inherently playful. They are curious creatures who go to great lengths to comprehend the effects and features of their environment. They learn new things during their explorations, which add to their knowledge and are essential for their growth. If you live in wetlands, however, there are lots of challenges you will face as they explore their environment. One of those challenges is keeping your kids dry at all times. If their kids become wet or they are using damp clothes that don’t have time to dry appropriately, they may risk bacterial skin infection. 

Photo Cred: elisabethmcknight

Keeping them indoors away from all the wetness or not allowing them to enjoy outdoor games may not improve their mental growth and social capacities. The best we, as supermoms, can do is ensure they are dry and healthy after a long hour of play. Children who are active and love outdoor sports like soccer, skating, biking, rafting, hiking, etc., would need consistently dried kits to keep warm from the elements. 

Thus, allowing your kids to wear wet gear puts them at risk of bacterial infection, and purchasing an extra pair of kits may be inconvenient and not a long-term solution. It is up to us to provide adequate and long-lasting protection during this humid weather.

Subsequently, we will show you a lasting solution to keeping your kids dry all day long, but before we go into that, let’s look at why you should be very wary of bacterial infection.

What is a bacterial infection?

Once you get bacterial skin infection, they multiply rapidly and cause unsightly reactions in the body. These reactions can range from mild, requiring little or no treatment, to life-threatening problems. Bacterial infections neither consider age nor status, so don’t think the little ones are exempt from their attack. In fact, they are more prone to infections because of their immature immunity and propensity to get into dirty areas.  

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Children participating in contact sports such as soccer are especially vulnerable to bacterial attacks than others. The bacteria spread from one infected person or object to another via hair follicles. If the child scrapes or punctures his skin while playing, that opening becomes a source of entry for bacterial infection. Children who swim in contaminated ponds or lakes are also at a high risk of contracting these infections.

Types of skin Infection

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Bacteria is not the only cause of skin infection. Several other germs can attack the skin, causing symptoms that vary from mild to serious. Let’s see some of them.

Viral Skin Infections: the reason behind these infections are viruses, and they can be severe or mild depending on the circumstances.

Popular viral skin infections include ringworm, shingles, wart, measles, chickenpox, etc.

Bacterial Skin Infection: most bacterial infections are mild and often appear as small, red bumps or rashes. You can treat it via oral or topical antibiotics. Common bacterial skin infection include boils, impetigo, cellulitis, etc.

Parasitic Skin Infection: Do you know that some parasites cause skin problems? And they are incredibly hard to get rid of, especially if they have already laid their eggs on the host. Although parasitic infections are not life-threatening, they are definitely uncomfortable and very easy to spread. Examples of parasites that may cause skin infections to include bedbugs, scabies, lice, etc.

Fungal Skin Infections: Of all the germs that host on human or animal skin, fungi adore damp areas the most. They look for moist areas in the body like armpits, feet, etc. They may not be life-threatening, but like other germs, they are contagious. Common fungal infections in kids are oral thrush, ringworm, athlete’s foot, diaper rash, nail fungus, and so many others.

Symptoms of skin infection

How do you know your kid may be susceptible to skin infections caused by germs like bacteria? Some obvious signs include red rash, blisters, pus, lacerations from the infection, discolored, scaly skin that may be painful, etc. If you notice any of these symptoms or any other indications of skin infection in your child, please see their pediatrician.

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You can avoid or prevent the attack and spread of germs that cause skin infections through your hygienic practices. Ideally, you should bathe your child after each play session, as well as wash dirty boots, gloves, and helmets. However, getting more moisture into these kits, unavoidable during washing, is insufficient to prevent infections because bacteria thrive in damp environments. If you don’t dry these kits adequately, they become breeding grounds for germs, which can transfer into your child’s skin to cause some skin issues. 

How Can You Prevent Your Kid From These Skin Infections?

Knowing the most common way skin infection occurs, it is natural for a caring mother of active kids to look for ways to avoid it. Skin infections are easily preventable, and the following steps can help to ensure long-term containment:

  • Cleanliness is essential; ensure your children bathe after each play session.
  • Because their gear is always close to their bodies, keep it clean and dry.
  • The environment should be cleaned before and after indoor activities.
  • Helmets, boots, and other equipment should not be reused without first being washed and dried.
  • Educate your kids on what bacterial skin infection looks like and how to avoid it
  • Keep away from infected persons or animals.

What is Mobildri, and how does it help prevent bacterial infection

You would have noticed how we harp on keeping your children clean and dry to avoid creating a breeding space for bacteria. Formally, many moms simply took two or more extra gears changes for when the kids’ kits become wet. However, it’s burdensome toting around several extra helmets, mittens, boots, etc., just to keep the kids dry.

But we heard about a new secret in the block that smart moms are using to keep their kids dry however long they want to play. It’s a portable glove and helmet dryer called MobilDri.

MobilDri is an ultra-efficient device made specifically for drying wet kits like boots, gloves, helmets, etc. It is portable and highly effective to dry both adult’s and kid’s gear. We will show you what makes MobilDri special soon.

Originally, the use of dryers was not new, especially if you have a conventional washing machine with an accompanying cloth dryer. However, several limitations come with some of these conventional dryers.

  • Too bulky. Some dryers are not built to carry around, like MobilDri, which can be put into a tote bag. They are too big to move about and do better as a stationary appliances.
  • Not versatile. Most glove and helmet dryers are specifically made for just gloves or helmets, or boots. MobilDri, on the other hand, has several compartments that allow you to dry all three at once.
  • Slow drying time. Generally, small portable dryers take as much as 6 hours to dry boots that are soaking wet. This is not ideal if your kid has to wear them almost immediately. It means they might have to wear them damp. And this is not a good idea, judging from all we have been saying earlier about breeding grounds for bacterial infection.

As a supermom, the aim is not to buy just any drying equipment in the market but to ensure that it can keep the kids’ kits dry and fit for use almost immediately. 

Is this possible? Yes! With MobilDri, it is possible. In a short while, you will see why many supermoms have adopted this appliance as the best portable glove and helmet dryer in the block.

What is So Special About MobilDri?

If you have had encounters with several portable heated dryers, you may be wondering what’s so special about this one. MobilDri isn’t just another heated dryer like others in the market. It was carefully crafted by engineers in Versadri who have held honorable positions in organizations such as Tesla and BMW. They have implemented various solutions to the flaws in standard portable heat dryers on the MobilDri brand. Let’s look at some of them.

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Easy to Use. A lot of other heated dryers come with so many complicated settings that make it difficult for busy moms to understand. Time is of the essence to us; hence a simple device that needs a press of a button to get it doing what we want is ideal. MobilDri is the right choice because, with a tiny lever, you can move the drying modes from Fan Only Mode to Heat Mode. The former dries more slowly and is especially good if you are not in a hurry and want to save the battery. The latter, on the other hand, dries gears very fast. No need for fanfare or racking your brain trying to understand how to operate the machine.

Portability. This boot and glove dryer is so lightweight that you can carry it around in your tote bag. You can use it in the car while driving or at the park while watching the kids play. It can be placed on any surface using the integrated tab or by placing it on a surface with a strong 40 lb magnet to dry your children’s gear. The portable mechanism of MobilDri dryers makes them superior to modern models. This means that the vacationing child can go with only one pair of gear, as the drier will quickly dry it when wet. That way, you can keep bacterial infections at bay while allowing your kids to enjoy their playtime all year.

Versatility. MobilDri has a 12-volt Aux Power Outlet (APO) plug, which can be plugged into auxiliary power sources. This means it can be used anywhere as long as there is a power source to plug into, that is, if you don’t have a battery for support. You can say this device is an effective mobile accessory that is useful for preventing microbial attacks.

Drying Speed.

MobilDri needs just 15-45 minutes of Dri-time to dry out any kit completely, even when it’s soaking wet. With the forced-air system technology, it can effectively dry damp clothes and kits in under an hour, leaving no part untouched. Sun-drying or air-drying may require almost the whole day to dry out wet kits, and sometimes, some hidden parts of the kit may not dry adequately before your kids use them. Many popular heated dryers may require 3-6 hours of Dri-time to give you what you need. But MobilDri was created with speed and efficiency in mind.

A supermom is known for her ability to solve problems even in impossible situations. With MobilDri, you can get the best of a good gear that can effectively dry out wet boots, helmets and gloves in record time. This prevents children from reusing wet equipment and eliminates bacterial habitat.

Bottom Line

Kids are vulnerable to bacterial attacks, and children who spend most of their time playing outside are easy targets. However, protecting children from infection is not rocket science; you must guide your child toward simple hygienic practices. Their bodies, as well as the environment in which their gear is stored, should be clean and dry.

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As discussed in the above sections, bacteria thrive in moist environments and will go to great lengths to make these environments more conducive to them. They are more powerful when they attack their victim in large numbers, and as a result, they multiply quickly once established. The simplest solution is to ensure that such conducive habitat does not exist. Therefore, dry out your child’s equipment after each use. One household item you can rely on to help you achieve this is none other than the MobilDri dryer.

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