Personal protective equipment

Bacterial growth in Personal Protective Equipment

by | Jan 3, 2023

What is growing inside your Helmets, boots, and gloves, making you sick?

The use of Personal protective equipment (PPE) like helmets, gloves, boots, etc., is necessary for this modern age. The objective is to protect and look good. It has been observed that the outlook of the PPE, including gloves, helmets, or boots, is fabulous;. However, what is going on inside is pathetic. 

Studies have reported that gloves, helmets, and boots that look so clean from the outside may have many microbes that can lead to different diseases. A study published in a medical journal reported that moist shoes, gloves, or even helmets might lead to a number of infections. REF OF OUR ARTICLE.

If we just talk about footwear, microbes, including bacteria, fungi, or molds, come from various sources like air, water, soil, etc. Moreover, moisture from sweat, wet feet, and water from other sources could be the main reason that accelerates micro-organisms’ growth. 

Rain water contains acid and other pollutants from the environment. When this polluted water enters the shoes, the absorptive properties of cotton fabric or even leather, it is not easy to clean the fabric thoroughly, and the pollutants can easily grow and deteriorate the footwear. Bacterial and fungi might be part of those pollutants, and the moisture will nourish the microbes in shoes leaving a foul smell and other degradation signs. Wearing wet shoes or walking in water can also add moisture to the fabric of shoes. Though such water is clean, it can still be a suitable medium for microbial growth.

The most important aspect we need to address is that normal flora can become opportunistic in favorable conditions like wet or moist shoes. In one of the studies on foot moisture relation with microbial growth revealed that microbial growth occurs rapidly on foot plantar skin due to the microclimate of footwear [3].

Various pathological conditions are associated with wearing occluded and wet shoes. Protecting the foot and footwear from moisture and other favorable microbial conditions is necessary. Fungi that are part of the foot’s normal flora can cause ringworms or athlete’s foot diseases [4]. The causative agents are trichophyton, epidermatophyton, or tinea pedis. REF

Using high-quality boot dryers is the best way to prevent yourself from different skin infections and foul-smelling odor from the shoes. 

VERSADRI offers a complete package for your boots, gloves, and helmet. MobilDri from VersaDri uses heated air to dry the footwear quickly. They are also great for drying large boots. It will take less than an hour to dry a pair of boots. It will not only save you time but will also save you from different diseases!

Mobildri is the best boot dryer, and it is portable and delivers safe and energy-efficient operations, making it the ideal choice for athletic footwear, outdoor gear, and shoes on the go with mobility with 12V Auc Power Outlet connectivity.

After all, we all want good deals. MobilDri from VersaDri is
The most versatile portable dryer and is available for less than $100. It is definitely an inexpensive way to keep your boots and gears dry and fresh. Try MobilDri today, and you will never regret it as your outdoor experience changes for the best. 

 Now, you can keep your equipment dry and clean even when you’re out in extreme conditions

Try MobilDri today! The best dryer for personal protective equipment

Also, ReadWhy PPE hygiene and dryness is essential?