How to Keep Your Gear Dry on a Spring Inland Fishing Trip

by | Apr 4, 2023

Springtime is a wonderful season for fishing trip, but it’s also a season that still doles out cold wind and possibly ice-cold splashes on your gear. Which is why I pack extra gloves and shoes in the truck. I have even been known to pack a bag for a whole extra set of clothes just in case.

Now, I have this MobilDri portable dryer that I can plug into a 12-volt plugin and dry my gloves and fishing hat while I fish. It is efficient, dries all of my gear, and helps kill bacteria growth before it starts. It even comes in its own drawstring carry bag, so I don’t have to stuff it in my duffel with my change of clothes. 

Let me break it down for you…

Why I Tell All My Fishing Trip Buddies About The MobilDri Portable Dryer


  • Well, for starters, It is Portable.  

VersaDri came out with this revolutionary dryer that you can take with you anywhere you can plug into a 12-volt plug-in, like the power source (cigarette lighter) in your vehicle. Some trucks have them in the truckbed, and some fishermen wire them into their boats as I do. 

Since it comes in its own carry bag, the portability just gets easier. I keep every piece with me in case I need to dry my gloves, fishing hat, or even my tall boots. 

The bag makes it super easy to transport from truck to boat and back again. Then into the house, if I need to keep drying my gear while I warm up with a nice bowl of soup. 

Gift for sportsman

  • It’s also Multipurpose

This innovative compact dryer comes in various package sizes. The Premier Package comes with a variety of vented drying tubes to dry your shoes, short and tall boots, hats, gloves, and more, all in one drawstring carry bag. 

The base also comes with 2 options: heat or fan only. That way, you can dry various types of material without worrying about melting the fabric. 

This package comes in really handy during all my Spring inland fishing trip. I remember weekends at the family cabin at our local campground as a child. We would get so excited to get to our favourite spot along the shore, only to end up more in the water messing around than fishing. 

As I grew up, I found those nostalgic places to be terrible places to catch small or largemouth bass but great for bluegill all day long. Either way, I always ended up with wet boots as I stood at the bank. 

  • The Power of a 12-volt Plugin

The portable boot dryer doesn’t require a generator or an extension cord to the lakehouse. All you need is that plug-in in the truck, boat, or UTV, and you have your power source. Versadri really had portability in mind when they created MobilDri. It’s mobile, versatile, and easy to transport wherever you need to dry your gear. 

Simply plug it into the cigarette lighter, and your gloves and/or boots can be quickly and quietly dried while you continue to fish. You don’t have to quit fishing trip and walk back up to the cabin, and the dryer won’t interfere with your fishing.  

  • Speaking of Quick Drying…

Anyone with a boot dryer plugged in at home knows you can’t wear those boots again for hours. I have one that takes overnight to dry my tall muck boots. 

VersaDri has figured out the secret to quick and quiet dry times! Their expert engineers designed patented tube dryers that blow warm or cool air into your gear through these vented tubes. 

The glove tube attachments have fingerlike mini tubes attached that allow the air to be blown through each finger of the gloves. No more wet fingertips when you put your gloves back on. 

These vented tubes allow damp gear like gloves, hats, and boots to dry in as little as 15 minutes.

If your gloves are completely wet, it may take up to 30 minutes for the MobilDri portable drier to do its thing, but even so, it’s much faster than waiting until the next day to fish again. 

Worst-case scenario, it takes 45 minutes to dry a completely soppy wet pair of boots.  

MobilDri Dryer

  • It’s also Super Quiet!

Not only is the portable glove dryer quick at drying damp gear, but it is also pretty darn quiet. I never have to worry about the loud motor or the typical “click” of turning on a dryer while on the shoreline.  

The VersDri portable dryer only uses 12 volts of power and has a small fan inside to quickly AND quietly dry your gear. No scaring the fish off while your gloves dry. 


Still Not Convinced It’s the Next Best Portable Dryer You Will Buy?


  • Magnetic Cup Holder Sized Base

VersaDri has thought of everything when it comes to portability and convenience. The dryer base has a magnetic base with a Santoprene molding to keep it in place and not scratch your truckbed or boat seat.  

It also fits easily in a standard vehicle cup holder, so you can dry it while you drive without worrying about it tipping over.  

  • Use it Upside Down and Sideways 

That magnetic bottom allows you to stick the portable dryer base to the side of your truck or boat, or whatever you have that is magnetic, and you can simply slide your gloves on and let them dry. 

Another amazing perk of the boot dryer option is setting your tall boots on the ground and placing the portable dryer base upside down into your boots. Your boots won’t tip over, and the base still pushes air through the vented tubes to dry your boots from top to toe. 

  • It’s Durable and Reliable

The team at VersaDri is made up of expert engineers with experience in advanced projects within companies such as BMW, Volkswagen, Tesla, etc. They know about durability and test the MobilDri for quality and efficiency just as they would a car. 

Can your old boot dryer stuck at home provide the same thing? Probably not. That is why it is safe at home, away from outside elements like water, wind, and dirt.  

  • Kills Bacteria Before it Starts

Have you ever spent all day fishing, left your wet gloves on the ground “for the sun to dry,” and assumed that nasty fish smell was just part of the fishing experience? Nah… that is bacteria growing inside your gear.  

The sun’s heat is helping bacteria grow while you think it’s helping dry your boots and gloves. Bacteria LOVE warm wet places; inside your gear is prime growing time.

Using the MobilDri to dry your gloves and boots helps to STOP the bacteria from growing in the first place. Should you wash your fish-smelling gear after your long day of fishing trip? Probably, but putting it on the dryer with vented tubes pushing warm or cool air throughout the entire glove/boot eliminates the start of bacterial growth.

Trust me; your pocketbook will thank you when you don’t spend money every year buying new gloves.  

  • Bottom Line  

It’s fast drying, portable, easy to use, and easy to carry. Each package has a drawstring carry bag to pack all your attachments with the base. 

The portable boot dryer is versatile and lightweight, weighing just over 5 pounds. 

Why wouldn’t you want to quickly dry your gear and stay on the lake longer? All the best fishermen know dawn and dusk are the best times to catch the best fish.  

Read another article for more information –