Ringworm Disease Prevention

Ringworm Disease Prevention By Boot Dryer

by | Dec 20, 2022

Ringworm, also known as tinea corporis, is a fungal infection; despite its name, it is not caused by worms. The fungal species called dermatophytes, such as trichophyton, Microsporum, or Epidermophyton might be involved in producing the ring-shaped itchy rash on the skin. The dermatophyte fungi grow on the skin, hair, nails, or mucous membranes of the body because they require keratin for development (Hainer, 2003). The ringworm disease on the feet is also called Athlete’s foot disease (tinea pedis). If you love sports, it is necessary to pay attention to the protection of health, contaminated shoes are one of the serious threats to athletes.

Growth conditions 

Warm and moist conditions are favorable conditions for the dermatophytes’ growth. According to a study, wet or tight-fitting clothing gives an optimum atmosphere for infection (Rizvi & Lakhani, 2020). 

Similarly, ringworm on the feet results from wearing shoes and socks for a long time, creating a warm and humid environment that works perfectly for fungus growth (Daggett, Brodell, Daniel, & Jackson, 2019). However, these fungal species could be present in humid places, such as damp or wet clothes, bathrooms, floors, etc. 

How it spreads 

The skin-to-skin contact might spread the infection or touch the infected objects. Athletes mostly tend to get this infection because of their sweaty bodies and direct contact with others. However, you don’t have to be an athlete to get a ringworm infection. Anyone with humid or sweaty socks or shoes can get ringworm disease on their feet, and touching the feet could spread the infection to other body parts.  

Risk factors

The risk factors of ringworm disease involve (Adams, 2006):

  • Spending time in warm and humid weather
  • Athletes participating in sports activities
  • Living in tropical areas 
  • Heavy sweating
  • Sharing things without disinfecting them

You might be at higher risk of ringworm infection if you sweat excessively, wear wet shoes, or are an athlete.

How long does it take to have the infection?

In humans, the incubation period for ringworm is 1 to 2 weeks. Before the infection, spores might be present in your body. According to a study (Microsporum, 2004), the spores of dermatophytes can live for 12 to 20 months on the body until they get a favorable environment to cause infection.

Boot Dryer is the best option to prevent ringworm infection.


An athlete’s foot is a common ringworm infection, so prevention is essential. The primary prevention of ringworm disease involves following tips

  • Avoid sharing clothes 
  • Avoid direct contact with others, mostly athletes 
  • Dry the body parts, especially the feet 
  • Dry the clothes, socks, and shoes

Prevention of the fungal infection involves sterilizing the socks and shoes, which could be performed by drying them. As the fungus grows on moisture, drying off the feet and clothes is very important. So warm air, provided by hair dryers or any other source, could help prevent this infection. However, this air may deteriorate your shoes.  

Wait! Don’t use a hair dryer, we got a better deal for you!

VersaDri is providing you with a fabulous product named MobilDri, the handiest drying system with a 12V Aux Power Outlet that allows you to dry your shoes, socks, or boots very quickly. The mobility and portability of MobilDri make it accessible at all places and when you need it the most.

MobilDri is the Best Boot Dryer it is a revolutionary product and should be your first choice for buying a boot dryer.

Now you don’t have to worry about your wet shoes, boots, or socks as the most effective drying and warm relief is here. Go get yours at https://versadri.com/, which we highly recommend.

Also, Read this blog Why MobilDri Heated Dryer Should Be The Best Gift For Sports Moms