Best Gift For Soccer/Sport Moms

Why MobilDri Heated Dryer Should Be The Best Gift For Sports Moms

by | Dec 6, 2022

Being the mother of an athletic child is not an easy task at all. 

From rising early every weekend for practice to doing lots of sports gear shopping while still attending every game to cheer the kids, there’s always so much to do.

This can be so stressful, especially for the majority of sports moms.

And do you know what else is not an easy task?

Effectively drying your kid’s wet boots, gloves, and helmets. 

In fact, if your child plays one of these sports;

  • Soccer
  • Snowboarding
  • Surfing
  • Ice skating
  • Mountain biking
  • Rafting

Or any sport that inevitably gets their boots, gloves, and helmets wet, then you’ve probably realized how difficult it is to dry these materials quickly. 

That is why we invented the MobilDri Portable Boot and Gloves Heated Dryers, which stands out as one of the best gifts for every soccer/sports mom.

In this article, we will discuss how MobilDri Dryer can help soccer moms keep their kids dry and comfortable and gain extra time to pursue their interests while grooming their kids to be the club’s next superstars.

So without further, let’s get started!

Why Do Sports Moms Need A MobilDri Heated Dryer?

1. MobilDri Dryer Is Super Fast 

If your kid plays soccer, their boots get wet; if they do ice-skate, their helmets and boots get wet, and if they play ice hockey, then all their shoes, gloves, and helmets get wet at once.

When kids play in wet gear, they become super uncomfortable, and it will require more energy and stress to play better than everyone else – not to talk about how prone they are to catch a cold.

Even outdoor working adults can testify to that!

While some sports are great for cold weather, your kid’s health, comfort, and safety are still a priority.

Get Your Kids Back In The Game With Dried Sports Gear

Did you know that with the Versadri Mobildri heated Dryer, every sports mom could get their kid’s wet boots, gloves, and helmets dried in almost 15 minutes?

Yes, there is no need for sun-drying your kits outside for 12 hours. 

Most sports breaks, especially soccer breaks, only take 15 minutes, so with the help of MobilDri dryer, kids can get back into the second-half dried gear, feeling better than 99% of other players on the pitch.

With this latest groundbreaking technology, Versadri has designed the fastest and most efficient heated dryer on the market

Mobildri is clearly different from air drying, which takes over 12 hours to dry, or other boot and glove dryers that still require around 6-8 hours of heat time.

However, this device by Versadri has broken the jinx and has been proven to dry wet boots and gloves in a record time of 15 – 45 minutes DriTime, depending on the moisture level and materials.

2. Dry Athletic Kid’s Sports Gear Anytime, Anywhere, in Any weather

Yeah, the MobilDri dryer works best, anywhere!

Recently, most parents have been on the lookout for winter glove dryers, so we gave them not only the best glove dryer but also the best helmet and boot dryer.

Amazingly, you can dry your kid’s boots and gloves in 45 minutes or less, even in a snowy environment. This is unlike anything you’ve seen before.

You could also dry your kid’s sports boots, gloves, and helmets inside that car in a few minutes while driving.

MobilDri was designed to keep your kids warm and comfortable anytime, anywhere, and in any weather – especially in the winter or wet months.

3. MobilDri Is Very Portable And Aesthetically Designed

The Versadri boot dryer measures in dimensions no longer than 13cm and only weighs 5 pounds (that’s about the weight of a laptop). Light, right?

In addition, it’s so portable it can fit into a mini rope bag that you can carry around with ease and even travel with it to any sporting event.

As for the design, we’ve executed the most appealing aesthetic design any portable dryer with heat can have. Every sports mom can proudly showcase the futuristically designed dryer that keeps your kid dryer and one step ahead of the game.

4. No More Sun Drying Boots and Gloves

If you’ve been looking for the sun to dry your kid’s boots and gloves, then MobilDri has come to the rescue again.

Do you know that using sunshine to dry boots and gloves is highly discouraged?

There are more cons than pros to boots and gloves dried in sunlight. Here are some of the things that could go wrong when you dry your kid’s boots and gloves in the sun;

  • Sunlight changes the color of the boots
  • The leather becomes over-hardened and starts to crack
  • Sunlight drying leads to quicker aging of boots and gloves
  • The boot and gloves start to shrink under the harsh rays of sunlight
  • There could be a permanent burn stain on the boot or gloves.
  • Bacteria may hide and grow inside your gear where the sun’s rays can not reach. This could encourage bad odor and affect the health of the boots or gloves.

So if you’ve been drying your kid’s boots in the sun, it’s high time you stopped. 

However, on MobilDri heated dryers, there are various attachments custom designed for each sports gear where you can easily place the boots, gloves, and helmet, and hot air will blow through the nook and cranny of the kits.

Using this method, drying becomes faster, more efficient, and safe. That way, your kid’s sports gear never loses quality and will last longer.

5. No More Blisters, Wrinkling, or Waterlogged Skin

Your kids are still young, so wearing wet shoes all day might not be good for their skin, especially their feet and palm.

Prolonged wet feet and palms resulting from wet shoes and globe can cause skin hazards like blisters, redness, wrinkling, etc.

This could make your child highly sensitive to slight pains and less active. Even adults can testify.

So being the superhero mom we know you are, you can quickly dry your kid’s sports boots and gloves and keep them healthy and safe from being benched.

6. Save Your Kid’s Shoes From Fungus and Mold

Fungus and molds in shoes have always resulted from prolonged moisture. 

If you leave your kids’ soccer boots wet for a long, it’s an open ticket for fungus to grow. And yes, they do come eventually.

Research has shown that mold in boots and gloves thrive in damp environments, but by using MobilDri, you can quickly kill all fungus and keep your kids’ boots dry, saving them from the notorious athlete’s foot disease.

Sports Moms Are Heroes; A MobilDri For A Gift Is Big Game Changer

Our sports moms are superheroes supporting their kids with all they’ve got within.

You can increase their superpowers by giving them a MobilDri Portable Boot and Glove Heated Dryer as a gift.

As you can see, there are numerous problems sports moms could solve for their kids using MobilDri.

They not only keep their kids warm, dry, and ready to conquer the game, but also their kids are protected from some harmful illnesses like cold, athlete’s foot, waterlogs, and red feet.

And to every sports mom out there being the real-life wonder woman to her kids, you can get the best season gift by adding MobilDri to your next shopping list.